Exclusive Interview with Jeff of Oh, The Story

Q- What inspires you to be a musician?
A- I feel that music is one of the most therapeutic things in the world and to know that I can help someone through a bad day or even make a good day, great means a lot to me. I also really enjoy seeing a crowd of people react to something I've helped to create in a live setting. 

Q- Why/how did you get interested in pursuing music?
A- I've always loved music and every time I saw a band live I'd wish that I was on stage doing what they were doing. 

Q- What instrument do you play?
A- Drums

Q- What’s your favorite band/song?
A- My favorite bands are The Matches, Say Anything and Brand New.

Q- What’s your guilty pleasure band/song?
A- I'd have to go with Katy Perry's "California Gurls" (Preferably the video)

Q- What’s your favorite color?
A- Red

Q- Where’s your favorite place to go on vacation?
A- Cedar Point. I love roller coasters... A lot! Or a beach. 

Q- Are you in school? And if so what’s your major?
A- I'm not in school.

Q- Describe each of your fellow band members using only one word.
A- James- Genius
JW- Workhorse
Lou- Malibu 
Scott- Partytime
Josh- Grizzled
Danny McG- Skeletal-fragility. 

Q- Describe your perfect date.
A- Amusement parks or a fair. Nothing says "I really dig this girl" more then owning her at go karts. Both real life and Mario Kart.

Q- What was the 1st concert you ever went to?
A- Green Day w/ Weezer

Q- If you could change places with anyone who would it be and why?
A- Kenny Powers. If you need to know why, this interview is over! Oh, wait... This is the last question anyway.


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