Exclusive Interview with James of Oh, The Story!

As promised here is the first of the individual Oh, The Story interviews. Up first get a little dose of what their lead singer James is like.

Q- What inspires you to be a musician?
A- I'm a musician because I can't imagine being anything else. It's just a part of who I am I guess. I'm wired that way.

Q-Why/how did you get interested in pursuing music?
A- I've sang my whole life; my mom is a musician so I grew up in a very musical environment. When I finally realized there wasn't anything preventing me from joining a band and pursuing it full time, I jump in head first.   

Q-What instrument do you play?
A -I sing.

Q-What’s your favorite band/song?
A- It changes all the time. Right now Cold War Kids, Colour Revolt, and Thrice are on regular rotation. 

Q- What’s your guilty pleasure band/song?
A- Some people give me a hard time about liking Jack Johnson, but he writes great music. Very relaxing.

Q- What’s your favorite color?

Q-Where’s your favorite place to go on vacation?
A-Either scuba diving off an island, or hiking in the mountains.

Q-Describe each of your fellow band members using only one word.
A- JW- Ginger, Lou- P90X, Jeff- Legend, Scott- Twerpy, Josh- Hilarious, Danny McG- Saint

Q- Describe your perfect date.
A- Hiking out to a fun place to swim and have lunch. 

Q- What was the 1st concert you ever went to?
A- I went to the first Rothbury and it was amazing. 

Q-If you could change places with anyone who would it be and why?
A- Wayne from the Flaming Lips, because the only thing cooler than Wayne is his job. 


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