Mid-Winter's Eve Hop Giveaway

Hey readers!

We're here again for the annual Mid-Winter's Eve Blog Hop Giveaway! This year I'm giving away a super awesome mark. gift package.

As some of you may know I began selling mark make up this fall to help try to fund all the stuff that I try to cover and do for this blog. Not only have I made a little extra cash, but I've also become a part of an amazing family of women and I've found another thing that I really love to add to my list of passions. I know our giveaways are supposed to be catered to something a book lover would love, so I figured what better than a little beauty package.

Here's a picture to wet your taste buds.
So what's in this package: 1 beauty bag, 1 set of nail polishes, 1 super flip (this product will change your make up life!), one Celebrate scented, sparkly brush, and (the best part) one set of Itty Bitty Pretty Earrings.

To enter do one or more of the following tasks. Each task will get you one entry into the contest (do all four and you'll have four entires!). At the end of the hop I will randomly select one person to win this super awesome prize.

Here's how to enter:

1. Follow @tuneintol on Twitter.
2. Tweet the link to this blog from your Twitter OR post the link on your Facebook (http://www.tuneintol.blogspot.com/)
3. Tweet the link to my mark eboutique from your Twitter OR post the link on your Facebook(www.mymarkstore.com/lmiller2808)/
4. Leave a comment below telling me any question you have about make up or beauty.

Once you've done one or more of these tasks email me a tuneintol@gmail.com (put Blog Hop in the subect line) telling me what tasks you've completed.

Make sure to check out all the other fabulous giveaways here.
Happy Hopping! And Good Luck!


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