How The Hell is it Already December!

I woke up this morning and it was December 1, 2010. (Actually to be honest I was awake all night last night listening to my house being blown away and rain beating at my head, so really I just got out of bed this morning.) I feel each year as I get older the time just seems to pass faster. With all the trending topics on twitter about hits and misses and tour memories I wanted to do a looking back blog.

I feel like I've accomplished a lot with this blog. I started off last year on Wordpress just posting rants about shows and reposting my favorite youtube videos and now here I am a year later posting interviews and contests and other great contest. I interviewed freakin Allstar Weekend this year! I met Selena Gomez and had a video of my friend proposing to her hit over 50,000 views on Twitter. I've hosted mutltiple giveaways. I started a Twitter page for this site that has reached 450 followers.

Some days I feel like I'm in the passenger seat watching my dreams come true. There are days when I feel like my life is an episode of Hannah Montana. For every high there have been lows, but now really isn't the time to blog about that.

Lookin to the future I know Tune Into L can only go up from here. I'm starting to plan some amazing interviews, giveaways, and content that will hopefully blow your mind (or at the very least keep you reading!).

I feel truly blessed every time I look at all the amazing opportunities that have come my way because of this blog. I appreciate everything I've experienced and all the people I've met because of this blog. So thank YOU for reading and allowing me to live my dreams.

What was your favorite moment of 2010 and what do you hope to accomplish in 2011?


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