A Great Resource for Mentors

As someone who wants to be a future educator I am always looking for books that can help inspire my future students, specifically my female students. While I may not be the biggest science or math fan, someone I come across might be. 

My favorite aspect of this book was the organization of the book. Yes, I loved the stories that Rachel Swaby told, but more than that I liked that I could learn about a specific discovery- such as math, physics, and medicine- without having to scour through the whole book looking for the specific think I was looking to read. 

Additionally I liked how Swaby has the stories about each woman written in short, easy to digest snip its of each woman's life. That way I, as the reader, am not overload with information about each woman, but she also gives me a great starting point if one of the women really sparks my interest to do more research. Further research would be a snap to start because she offers great bibliography, notes, and credits sections in the back of the book to reference. 

Overall I am really glad that I picked up this book and stepped out of my comfort zone into the realm of science and math as I found many of the stories uplifting and inspiring. I am sure that I will go back to this book for many years to come.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Blogging For Books. 


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