Let's Get Out And Play

BY: Lauren Miller

Saturday Nickelodeon is having an initiative to help try to get kids more active by blacking out their programing for a few hours in the afternoon to encourage kids to get out and play. In addition Nick is also hosting a World Wide Day of play right in the heart of DC and guess who will be there covering it for you guys?

I know a lot of you don't live in the DC Metro area or have access to the area so I want to try to bring as much of the National Play Day experience to you as I can. Starting at 8 am I'll be live tweeting from my personal Twitter @laurenmarkrep. Make sure to follow me on there if you wanna see all the fun. And if you're at the World Wide Day of Play event make sure to come find me! I'll have tons of Tune Into L rubber bracelets to give away!


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