Everyone Needs A Little Advice, Even Me

I'm not very good at ask for advice...or help...or really asking for anything at all. I'm what I like to call dangerously independent without a chance of turning it around. But I'm also addicted to Pop Culture and Reality TV and Celebrities. So whenever a book by one of my favorite stars comes out, I'm there buying it whether I'm interested in the subject or not. 

Lo's book, however, I was extremely excited for. I even sat through a live chat she held during the release week for the book. Of course it took me awhile to get around to reading it (thank god for all those rainy, crappy days that gave me a lot of time to read).

What I really liked about Lo's advice book was that I never once felt like she was talking down on me. Some advice books have that feeling of talking to a psychologist or my mother. While I love motherly advice and maybe a shrink wouldn't be such a bad idea, it's sometimes nice to get advice from someone my age. Yeah sure I could go to my friends for dating advice, but some stuff is just too darn embarrassing. I don't want to look like a complete relationship failure to my friends. I'd rather they think I'm just a strong, independent girl who doesn't need a man.

What I also liked was how easy to read her book was. What will be nice in the future is how good of a reference or refresher book this will be because it is set up in a way that you can easily find advice on whatever you're having problems with. Maybe you need help finding better guys. Or maybe you need help figuring out what type of girl you are. Or maybe you just need a really good Mac & Cheese recipe. (Seriously, there's recipes too!)

If you're looking for a good girl book and a nice fun, light read Lo Bosworth's first book effort is a must read!

Check it out and let me know what you think below. Also, if you need advice make sure to email questions, concerns, etc to tuneintol@gmail.com. I'm trying to start a little advice column here at Tune Into L and I need questions! 


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