Ever Want To Be In A Music Video?
Here's your shot! Check out this press release from Hawthorne Heights:
-All videos must be shot in HD (iPhone and Android video cameras work good enough for this)
-Videos must be shot horizontally (vertically shot videos will not be used)
-Videos must be shot against a solid and plain background
-Film yourself for 30 seconds - talk for 15 seconds about your loved one and say nothing for the remaining 15 seconds.
Email your video to: cardboardempirerecords@yahoo.com .
By submitting your video, you give us permission to use your voice and image as part of this video and promotions for our song "Oceans" and our album "Hate".
Thank you!
We're working on a video for our song "OCEANS" and we need YOUR help. "OCEANS" is about missing a loved one who has been deployed. We want to include videos from YOU, our fans. Send us a short video of you holding up a picture of your friend or family member that's deployed and tell us a little about them and how you miss them. If you happen to be deployed, send us video of you holding up a picture of your family or loved one back home.
-All videos must be shot in HD (iPhone and Android video cameras work good enough for this)
-Videos must be shot horizontally (vertically shot videos will not be used)
-Videos must be shot against a solid and plain background
-Film yourself for 30 seconds - talk for 15 seconds about your loved one and say nothing for the remaining 15 seconds.
Email your video to: cardboardempirerecords@yahoo.
By submitting your video, you give us permission to use your voice and image as part of this video and promotions for our song "Oceans" and our album "Hate".
Thank you!
Hawthorne Heights
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