A Chilling Tale of Life

From the front cover of "The World Before Us" By: Aislinn Hunter it is apparent that this book will be one that makes you think. This will by no means be a passive, pleasant, pretty read of a book. Just thinking about the concept of what really comes before us in the timeline of the world can move anyone into a place of existential contemplation about the world and our place in that world.

This book brings into play multiple time periods and multiple characters that really bring you into the world that Hunter creates in her novel. Her use of descriptive words brings you close enough into the novel to awaken your senses, but she leave enough mystery and open questions to keep you clamoring for more throughout the novel all the way up until the chilling conclusion that will leave you with enough details to feel satisfied with Jane's story, but will leave you questioning your own story.

Pick this book up if you're looking for a beautiful, chilling tale that will leave you riveted until the very end.


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