I Work Out

BY: Lauren Miller

Hey readers! I've got a lot of really awesome posts coming up that I'm really excited to share, but I wanted to get on here quick and share my latest obsession with you.

So summer is here and like many girls I am always on the lookout for new workouts to help get my body in good summer shape. I get bored with work outs easily and I am very good at talk myself out of working out. So I need something that is fun and entertaining and that changes quite frequently to keep me excited and motivated.

Recently I found the site Blogilates on Tumblr and in a little over a week I have become obsessed. If you're unfamiliar with the YouTube channel it's star is Casey and she is an adorable, motivating firecracker. She has uploaded a little over a hundred videos to the site. They cover a complete range of body parts and sculpting exercises. What I really like about these work out videos are two things.

One they are super fun. Ok, so they are super painful, but at the same time they are super fun. If you haven't figured out yet...I love music. These workouts almost feel tailored to this love because she has a series called Pop Challenges where she takes a requested song such as The Wanted's Glad You Came or Cher Lloyd's Want You Back and she makes a body part specific challenge to go along with the song like Abs All Night Ab Challenge or the What Makes You Bootyful Butt Challenge.

And two they are super encouraging. Casey must just have some sort of intuition that she just knows where to include extra encouragement and not only that she knows just what to say to keep me moving. She knows that I want those Victoria's Secret Model Flat Abs and that Round Booty. And it certainly helps that the girl has the body that I want- slim, but toned and not super muscle-y.

Check out Casey's Youtube Channels here and here. Yup, there's two channels with lots of info. Let me know in the comments what you think of my latest obsession & let me know what you're currently obsessed with!


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