Exclusive Interview with Chase Coy

Chase Coy released his new album Indiana Sun on Tuesday. Tune Into L had the opportunity to ask him a few questions before his release. Check out the interview below and get to know someone who will inevitably become your new favorite singer/songerwriter.

Don't forget to pick up his album on itunes!

Q- So, you have a new album coming out this week. Can you tell us about that?

A- This album is the first record I have recorded and released independently since "Look How Far We've Come" and I think my time in the studio recording Picturesque is going to show. The whole record feels more polished and varied than my older releases, and also lyrically I think it's more mature.

Q- You've been on tour lately? How's that been?

A- It's been great! I love getting out on the road and meeting new people, and spending time with my friends. I just got back from Canada, and that was a blast.

Q- How would you describe your music to someone who hasn't heard of you or listened to your music?

A- It's acoustic, indie singer/songwriter music. Kind of a cross between Dashboard Confessional and Paul Simon.

Q- What makes you different from every other musician out there?

A- That's a bit of an involved question, but I think I'll just leave it up to people to check out the music for themselves and decide if they think it's different and worth listening to.

Q- What song of yours would you recommend to someone who hasn’t listened to your music before?

A- I really like the new songs "Seasons" and "I Fell In Love Once".

Q- Who writes all your songs? Where do you get inspiration for the songs?

A- I write all my own songs, and I just get inspiration from my life, as boring as that sounds. I think all writers pull from their own experiences, because that's the key to writing emotional and engaging music.

Q- What has been your biggest challenge so far as an artist?

A- I think my greatest challenge has been really pushing myself to grow and mature as an artist.

Q- What has been your favorite show to play and why?

A-Any shows where the kids were awesome and brought some energy to the show. At the end of the day, it's pretty easy to ignore anything else that is less than perfect if the audience is really excited to be there.

Q- How do you get pumped up for a show?

A-I tend to try and just spend some quiet time before the show. It gets me focused and really engaged in the music the I perform.

Q- What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about performing?

A-I love playing for kids and being able to just perform a song once and be done with it, as opposed to the thousands of takes you may record in the studio. That it probably my favorite and least favorite part wrapped into one. I like the way you can just play a show and then move on from it, but it's also frustrating sometimes to not be able to get every single thing perfect.

Q- Who is someone you would like to tour with?

A-I'd love to tour with Colbie Caillat, I always thought it would be cool to be able to perform the duet I recorded with her in a live setting.

Q- Out of all the songs you've recorded/written which is your favorite?

A- It switches around a lot, but at the moment it's probably "I Fell In Love Once."

Q- What do you hope you’re doing with your music/accomplishing in a year?

A- I just want to be able to keep making music for my living. I don't have a whole lot of goals beyond that.

Q- Do you have any advice for someone who wants to pursue a career in music?

A-Don't pursue a career. Just make music because you love doing it, and if the rest falls into place and you get to do it without having a second job, great. If not, you'll be fine too because it's just something you love.

Q- What has been your weirdest experience with a fan?

A-My fans have been pretty normal. Every once in a while you get someone who's just a bit awkward, but nothing too strange luckily.

Q-Who first inspired you to go after your dreams of music?

A-My parents have always been really supportive, and I think they're still my main supporters.

Q- What’s one quote or lyric that inspires you most?

A- "Always do what you are afraid to do."

Q- What’s something your fans don’t know about you?

A-I can juggle and make balloon animals. Apparently, I'm a funny nose and a rainbow wig away from being a clown haha.

Q- When writing a song what comes first the lyrics, the tune..etc?

A-Just depends, but typically I start with a little guitar part or a single lyric, and then write the rest of the song with music and lyrics at the same time.

Q- If you could collaborate with anyone who would you choose and why?

A-Maybe James Taylor or Paul Simon because they're both incredibly talented.

Q- If you had to be any color crayon which color would you choose?


Q- What t-shirt in your closet best describes your personality and why?

A-Probably a grey v-neck. I like to keep things simple and neutral and kind of just go with the flow.

Q- Describe your ideal date?

A-Just staying in, popping in a movie, and then completely ignoring it because you get so wrapped up in the conversation you're having.

Q- Any upcoming plans in the works for you we should know about?

A-I'm hoping to release another album this year, and a lot more touring!

Q- What’s your favorite flavor popsicle?



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