Exclusive Interview with Andy from The After Party

Check out this awesome interview with Andy from The After Party. And don't forget to check out the band on their Spring Fling Party Tour.

Q- So, you’re getting ready to head out on your Spring Fling Party Tour can you tell us a little bit of what to expect on that?
A- Expect a lot of fun, a lot of party, and a lot of dancing! We've got an awesome group of bands lined up for this tour, and its in your best interest to make it out to a show!

Q- How would you describe your music to someone who hasn't heard of you or listened to your music?
A- We are a pop band with a lot of big harmonies, catchy melodies, and music you can dance to.

Q- What makes you different from every other musician out there?
A- We are some of the friendliest, down to earth guys out there. We've met a lot of artists who have big heads and are "too cool for school." We're not like that at all. We treat our fans like they are our best friends!

Q- What song of yours would you recommend to someone who hasn’t listened to your music before?
A- Our new single "Can't Stop."

Q- Who writes all your songs? Where do you get inspiration for the songs?
A- All four of us write together. We make up the perfect team and our songs wouldn't be the same without any one of us. We get inspiration from girls, relationships, and life in general. We are young kids, and we write songs that are relevant to our lives that other kids can relate to.

Q- What has been your biggest challenge so far as an artist?
A- The biggest challenge has probably been gaining respect. Because we are so young and new in the scene, some people feel we haven't proven ourselves yet. It's really frustrating sometimes, but I guess its part of paying your dues.

Q- What has been your favorite show to play and why?
A- That is tough. Every show we play is a blast, and we have been so blessed to have had the opportunity to perform in front of so many people around the nation! I think my favorite show is any show that our fans come to and have a great time!

Q- How do you get pumped up for a show?
A- Normally I start off with a little yoga and stretching, then we do vocal warm ups. There's not really much too it, I just get pumped as soon as I go on stage!

Q- What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about performing?
A-My favorite thing about performing is the connection you make with the audience. I love seeing their response to our songs. There isn't really anything I don't like about performing!

Q- Who is someone you would like to tour with?
A- It would be crazy to tour with someone like Lady Gaga! It would also be fun to get out with Action Item and Allstar Weekend.

Q- Out of all the songs you've recorded/written which is your favorite?
A- Probably "Secret Lover" or "Can't Stop."

Q- What do you hope you’re doing with your music/accomplishing in a year?
A- Hopefully our music will have spread even further by then! If we can continue to travel the world, making new fans and changing lives, that is all we can ask for!

Q- Do you have any advice for someone who wants to pursue a career in music?
A-Perform as much as you possibly can, and take every opportunity that comes your way! If you are serious about pursuing a career in music, you have to take some risks to make your dreams come true.

Q- What has been your weirdest experience with a fan?
A- I think the first time we went out on tour and realized we actually had fans was a weird experience! I remember playing shows all over the country and seeing kids we didn't know sing along to our songs. It was a pretty incredible feeling!

Q-Who first inspired you to go after your dreams of music?
A- My father was a musician, and growing up I was always around music. I fell in love with music at a young age, and both of my parents have encouraged me to continue chasing my dreams since then.

Q- What’s something your fans don’t know about you?
A- I was a big nerd in high school! I always did my homework, studied for tests, and enjoyed reading! Who would have guessed?

Q- When writing a song what comes first the lyrics, the tune..etc?
A- It varies from song to song, but generally the melody comes first. Then lyrics and production follow.

Q- If you could collaborate with anyone who would you choose and why?
A- It would be incredible to write with Dr. Luke and Max Martin. They are some of the greatest song writers in the world!

Q- If you had to be any color crayon which color would you choose?
A- Purple. Classy, attractive, and ready to draw something awesome!

Q- What t-shirt in your closet best describes your personality and why?
A-Probably this black tee that says "La bella donna certo l'amo" in white font.

Q- Describe your ideal date?
A- I like spending time outdoors, so I am a big fan of hikes, picnics and looking at the stars. Then I would like to go inside, have a cup of tea, snuggle up and watch a movie.

Q- Any upcoming plans in the works for you we should know about?
A- We have a lot of things in the works, but nothing that can be released yet! Just keep up with us, we will be releasing new tours, music, and more soon!

Q- Anything else you’d like to include about you?
A- All you Tweeters out there, hit me up! @theafterparty and @andybelltap. I hope to see all of you at the Spring Fling Party Tour!

Q- What’s your favorite flavor popsicle?
A- I'm not a huge popsicle eater, but I like lemon! Or the mixed berry ones with real fruit inside.


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