Some Days I Feel Like Hannah Montana

The only phrase I can think of to describe Nick Jonas's spur of the moment acoustic show at Jammin Java last night (February 23, 2011) is "I never thought I'd be doing this tonight!" Ok, so maybe I have a lot more words than that.

Yesterday I got a very interesting Facebook message from a friend asking if I was going to see Nick Jonas that night. I was slightly confused because the original plan was to hotel stalk him Thursday before and after his show for the White House. She told me that he had announced that he was doing a free acoustic show at Jammin Java. I very quickly went into panic mode and began planning how my night was going to work.

I had never been to Jammin Java, but I knew the venue was small. I knew I was an hour and a half away from the venue. And I knew I wouldn't be the only fan going. Luckily I had a friend nice enough to save me a spot in line.

It had been awhile since I had camped out for a show...obviously. I showed up at the line way underprepared. I wore my cute winter coat, of course in case Nick saw me in it. I wore my sparkly flats; boys like sparkly things. I forgot a blanket, food, and drinks. Needless to say I was hungry, cold, tired and thirsty. Thank god for that Walgreens next door to the venue or I may have perished! 

After 5 hours of waiting and lots of time to share funny stories with fellow line waiters we finally got inside. And luckily I got second row on the left side of the stage. I think it took me a few minutes to realize that hey...Nick Jonas was going to be THAT close to me. Let me add a little background...the closest I've ever been to a Jonas was 12th row at the Nick Jonas and the Administration show at the Warner in DC. Which is respectable, but still. I've seen them many times, but they've never seen me! Tonight Nick was going to be seeing my face! 

Apparently the Jonas people decided they wanted to mess with us that night. When we first entered the venue there were 4 mic stands and 4 bottles of water on the stage...which could only mean one thing...all 3 boys were there. Then as they began tuning guitars and setting stuff up. Sadly they took away two of the mic stands and brought two stools on stage. 

In ended up that only John Taylor and Nick were there (Only seems like a bad word there. More like Oh my God it's John Taylor!). 

The set list was as follows: 
Last Time Around
Rose Garden
Before The Storm
Give Love A Try
Olive & An Arrow
London Foolishly
BB Good
Fly With Me
Who I Am

(I took the set list from his he definitely added Hello Beautiful and Our House...but I was so darn giddy and happy to be there that I don't remember what all he added.)

One of the highlights of the night was definitely when he started talking to this girl in the front row who kept finishing his thoughts every time he would tell a story about a song or an experience. He asked her what her favorite Jonas song is. She said "Underdog" and when he asked why her sister jumped in and said that she's basically a girl next door who's really amazing, just like the song. He thought for a minute and was like what song should I play for you. And then he played "Hello Beautiful" for her & gave her his pick when he finished. As badly as I wanted to be that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen an artist do in front of my own eyes.

In the end I was really sad for this show to be over. Trust me it was like a thousand times worse than the normal case of Post Concert Depression I usually experience. But then it also gave me my love for the Jonas Brothers back again. This show reminded me of why I love them in the first place. They're always doing awesome stuff like this for the fans. And Nick's talent that night was just untouchable. Anyone who says they're not talented obviously hasn't seen them in a stripped down, musical setting. Nick honestly just blew me away that night. The show really left me wanting more of these small, intimate shows.

Were any of you at the Nick Jonas free show at Jammin Java? What were your favorite parts? Share your thoughts on the show! 


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