Old Nick Shows Coming Back

Word on the street is Nickelodeon is bringing back some of our favorite cartoons, including Doug, Rugrats, Angry Beavers, Rocket Power, Hey Arnold, and many others. For any 90's kid this is, of course, very exciting.

What old school Nick shows do you hope they bring back? Just saying a new All That, but not sucky like when Jamie Lynn Spears was on there, would be amazing!

This is more something Disney needs to get on top of, but all this thinking of old shows got me thinking...could we bring back some TGIF please. Even if it's just a couple of throwback made for tv movies. I wanna know what Corey and Topanga are up to! And how bout Michelle, DJ, and the whole Full House gang?


  1. I wasn't a fan of their cartoons, but I loved Are You Afraid of the Dark? and The Adventures of Pete and Pete.

  2. Oh MAN! I forgot about Pete and Pete and Are You Afraid of the Dark! I think I'd flip if they brought AYAOTD back!

  3. They need to bring back my brother and me n what would u do

  4. they are going to on teenick at either eight or nine at at night it said so in a commercial.

  5. did i say eight or nine its acually 12 to 2 in the morning . the block is called the 90"s are all that


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